As discussed in Section #GDS#423>, when smaller values of δ are used, pulses of better characteristics are obtained. This can be seen in Fig. 1(d), where #math225#a = 1.33 and a pure fundamental dark soliton is generated. ....



We first examine the solution of a modified NLSE with a constant gain:

iuz - 1/2utt + | u|2u = iΓu,     (2)

where Γ is assumed to be a constant, appropriate for the Raman amplification under strong pumping without depletion. The solution of a similar equation to Eq. (#E2#432>), but ... #mathletters433# Under this transformation, the NLSE has the new form
ivz' - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay1986#12vt't' - | v|2v = - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay1989#vt'. (3)

The solution of Eq. (#E2#452>) when Γ = 0 is well known and has the form #math228#exp[(z, t)]κtanhκt, where κ is the form factor and the phase variable satisfies #math229#∂σ/∂z = κ2.[#ZA##1###] Therefore, when the right-hand-side of Eq.(#E7#455>) is zero, an exact solution for v(z', t) can be obtained from Eq. (#E7#456>). On the other hand, when #math230#z→∞ and hence #math231#z'→∞ or #math232#Γ→ 0, the right-hand side of Eq. (#E7#457>) becomes infinitely small. Under these conditions, we can treat the right-hand side of Eq. (#E7#458>) as a perturbation to the NLSE. ...
u(z, t) = exp#tex2html_wrap_indisplay2002#i#tex2html_wrap_indisplay2003##tex2html_wrap_indisplay2004#eΓz tanh(teΓz), (4)
Γ = g(e-2Γpz + e-2Γp(L-z)) - Γs, (5)
g = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay2011#eΓpL, (6)
κ(z) = κ0 exp(βz). (7)